In Unguja and Pemba – the islands of Zanzibar – we are surrounded by water – and the monsoons bring us fresh water every season. We love our water – but we have our fair share of water problems too!
For World Water Day 2015, the Creative Festival of Water will celebrate the water we have, the water we’d like and what people are doing across the islands of Zanzibar to achieve this.
Current schedule:
From 10 am (All day): craft, arts and recycling stalls on the beach (Sustainable East Africa, Creative Solutions, Faraja Women, other craft/artists); video screenings;
Exhibition by artists, including Kiwenge and Hamad on theme of water;
Exhibition of children’s art on theme of water (Tamani and KINS);
Children’s creative toy competition – bring a toy you’ve made! Prizes to be won!
10 am: Beach clean-up starts on Beach infront of Panga Chumvi Beach Resort, moving south to Kilimajuu village – prizes to be won! Scuba Fish and friends.
10 am: Batik workshop – bring a piece of white or light coloured cloth to take part
10:30 am: Up-cycle a glass bottle! Glass bottle cutting and sanding workshop 1 – Creative Solutions (10 people maximum per session – book in on the beach).
HIGH TIDE: 10:26AM – 2.48 m
10:30 am: Ngalawa race starts – prizes.
11 am: Singing performances with nursery and primary school children about water (Tamani Foundation/KINS)
12 pm: Educational workshop about water and desalination (Moerk Water Solutions) time tbc. Freshly desalinated water to try!
1:30 pm: Bottle cutting and sanding Workshop 2 – Creative Solutions (10 people maximum per session – book in on the beach)
2 pm: Video discussion, show and tell workshop for young people (Eco-clip group with young people from Matemwe) tbc.
3 pm: Video from the Fishermen of Kiwengwa – WATER IS OUR TREASURE (Mwambao), and discussion
Bottle cutting and sanding workshop 3 – Creative Solutions (10 people maximum per session – book in on the beach)
Football Match (Chichi)/ followed by Sherehe to the beach, with ngoma / last glass workshop / selection of 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize for the children’s creative toy competition (organised by Khamisi Simanzi and friends)
4:02 PM: LOW TIDE – 1.60 m
4 pm: Running races races start on beach (Utupoa): children, women and men; distances tbc; ngoma and any other music possible on the beach. Starting point on the beach in front of Panga Chumvi
4:30 pm: judging of the Children’s toy competition – prizes and water!
5 pm: Tug-o-war on the beach in front of Utupoa (tbc)
7 pm- 9 pm: Screening of Award winning Education Video (MESSC the Matemwe young people’s video club); FEATURE FILM: KHUMBA (compliments of ZIFF Village Panorama)
Who are we?
The Zanzibar team currently consists of a group of people both from within the community of Matemwe and from those who have made Matemwe their home – together with Sustainable East Africa and a musician from Germany.
To find out more, to join in, or to volunteer your talent and creativity, call
+255 772 892 570 or contact us below: